If you are asking yourself why you should buy life insurance, here are some reasons why some of our other
clients have bought life insurance….
For the Death Benefit:
- To replace earning power at death
- To pay for cash needs that arise at death
As a Disciplined Savings Program*:
- To help pay for educational costs
- To supplement retirement income
- To take advantage of business opportunities
- For Financial Emergencies
Because of the Risk of Waiting:
- To replace earning power at death
- To pay for cash needs that arise at death
For the Tax Advantages:
- Death proceeds are received free of income tax
- Cash value accumulations are tax deferred
- Cash value loans or withdrawals* are free of tax, as long as the policy stays in force
- Accelerated death benefits are received free of income tax
In Recognition of Personal Responsibility to:
- Family
- Banker
- Mortgage company
For the Flexibility:
- Benefits may be available regardless of whether the policyowner lives, quits, dies or becomes disabled
- Life insurance is portable; benefits are not lost due to job changes
* Withdrawals and loans will reduce the policy’s death benefit and cash value available for use.
Please call us here at Northeast Financial Strategies for an appointment if we can assist in evaluating your life insurance needs. Remember, September is LIFE INSURANCE AWARENESS MONTH!