In addition to meeting lots of new people and seeing our old friends, we gave out nearly 400 Wrentham T-Shirts, put temporary tattoos on kids of all ages and had a FREE Raffle for some great prizes from lots of local businesses! We thank them all for their support and generosity!! And we thank you for coming by to visit us!
Here is the listing of the raffle winners:
FREE Income Tax Preparation from NFS
Jodi Epstein of Wrentham
$25 Gift Certificate to Cafe Assisi
Tina Hagerty of Wrentham
Cathy Caillouette of Wrentham
$50 Gift Certificate to Commonwealth BBQ
Tracy McGowan of Wrentham
30 Minute Cranial Sacral or Reiki at Be Well Therapeutics
Suzanne Bodensiek of Wrentham
Jacob Greenleaf of Foxboro
John Reid of Canton
Kim Lawrence of Wrentham
Tom Hanson of Wrentham
Melissa Booth of Wrentham
Bill Abril of Wrentham
Mark Dubeau of Wrentham
William Jones of Wrentham
Maureen Osolnik of Wrentham
Shilo Chaves of Wrentham
If you see your name on this list, please come into the office and claim your prize. You should also receive a message from us.